Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Festival planning continued

Last week we began getting into teams and starting to plan the festival. Roles were assigned such as the production management, technical, admin etc.
Students met to discuss what they could curate in their designated area and put this information on the board so it could be shared:

They then wrote briefs for any work that they wanted to commission to be given to other classes and external arts groups such as Tashanh's dance group.
The Media group watched the steretoypes documentary and made notes on it last lesson. Today they wrote a script for the voice over and recorded it, then recorded a discussion to use as the conclusion.
Some of the dancers went to the hall to rehearse a piece using music from the Nutcracker to do street dance to. Some art students went to look for work to include and made an appointment to meet with the Art teacher.
Throughout today, many students recorded video diaries to add to their blogs too.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011


We are now starting the Festival Unit. Firstly, Cathy Birch from Spitalfields festival came in to talk to students about her event.
She explained the different people involved and the act selection process. She talked about the organisation, funding, venues, crises etc.

Students then researched five different festivals, find out about things like their themes, artisitic policies, locations, audiences, acts featured and funding.

They then presented their findings to each other:

Next they had their first production meeting about the festival. They discussed venues primarily, as we still need to find one.