Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Youth Producing Change Festival 23.03.10

Today we went to this festival, which is part of the Human Rights Watch International Film Festival at the Ritzy in Brixton. We watched 10 films made by young people around the world, about various human rights issues such as AIDS orphans, child labour, the right to water, immigration, sexual violence etc.

The one that moved me the most was about orphans in Mozambique. It made me cry realising how little these children and teenagers have, and it definitely humbled me and made me want to do something to help.

I thought that the one made by an American girl about water was very well made. She used lots of different techniques to get her point across - interviewing experts, filming vox pops with people about their water consumption habits and she had clearly done a lot of research. She also carefully filmed lots of cutaway footage of water in stores, coming out of taps, in vending machines, and in reservoirs and lakes to make the voice over parts interesting visually.

The one about stop and search was also well made, with a creative use of the resources to recall and illustrate individuals' experiences.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Editing and Completing paperwork

Media students have been taking the opportunity these last couple of weeks to update and type up all their paperwork for their portfolios.

Half of the class have had to use this time to edit the 'making of' documentary. Last week we also recorded interviews with Dom and Ms Williams, asking them to reflect on how the project has gone so far, what have been the best things about it and what they have learned.

Today they recorded an introduction and added music. They also continued to edit together the same answers to each question and added text. We are waiting for some of the footage from the actual film to use as out-takes on the end.

We have discovered that because of timetabling, we have a great deal of footage from the Dance lessons, but not much from Art. This has made editing quite difficult as we don't have exactly what we would like. If we were to do this again, we would have tried to build more art filming into the schedule, especially when they filmed the puppet show.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Tue 2nd March

Today documentary students took a camera into their art lesson to film some of the work they have been doing. They filmed the puppet sets and the theatre that was built.

After break, they started to capture some of this footage. At the same time, they filmed an interview with themselves where they spoke about their work so far, what they have learned and what they enjoyed most. They opted to use the studio as they are the Media group and wanted a back drop that would reflect that.

They then looked at some of the footage and started laying some clips down on the timeline.